I've been studying the ways of my 3 year-old daughter. (I thought that beginning would make me sound like an intelligent anthropologist.....did it work?) Anyhoo (see, now I'm straying from the intelligence...) her conversation style is fascinating. I've learned that she has a craft of changing the subject when she just doesn't really know what's going on, or wants to simply portray that she doesn't know what's going on. She doesn't change the subject into a different and useful direction, she changes it while creating such confusion that her victims are left silent and dumbfounded. And I think that's a skill I'd like to have as well. I mean, wouldn't it be great to just get out of a conversation whenever you wanted?
Me: You need to clean up after yourself, that's what it means to be responsible. You need to learn responsibility.
Aubri: Yes, but unicorns aren't brown anymore.
Me: I've got nothing.
So...here's how I could use this:
My boss: I think you should be on this committee, it will be a good opportunity for you.
Me: Perhaps. But I also think magic carpets cause mildew stains on the ceiling of the garage.
Really...how could you argue with that??
And no, I'm not complaining about committee work. In fact, I've always been an advocate to form a committee called "The Committee to Create Committees", it hasn't gotten off of the ground yet.
Aubri, the Social Mastermind |
The things we can learn from three year olds :) Oh, and there totally is a "Committee on Committees" here. Not even joking. Maybe you'd like the East coast...