So far Aubri is clearly in first place in the Kruse family in her ability to acquire friends. In just about every "play" situation we've been in the past two weeks she's walked away with 1-2 new friends. The only time I watched her be unsuccessful was when she tried to join a group of about 5 10-year old girls in the 3 foot area of the pool (I was standing directly behind her and basically it was her head bobbing up out of the water while she tried to act like she knew what was up with the group by fake laughing when they laughed).
But I have observed her successful attempts which has caused me to re-examine the way that I make friends. Here are the lessons she's taught me:
1. Tell random people my name and my age and see what sticks. Well, to be exact, I'd have to tell them what my age is not. Here's an example, which could be used at a park, swimming pool, grocery store, pretty much anywhere other humans happen to be: "I'm Aryn. (No greeting apparently necessary). I'm not 32 anymore". This would be followed by my new friend pausing to check me out and then telling me his/her age, but not their name yet. Apparently age is really the only pre-requisite for friendship. I did not realize this before.
2. Twirl. I've underestimated twirling in the past. After careful observation of my daughter I've decided to buy an adult tu-tu, probably plus-sized for the time being, and twirl. It's a more complicated process than it sounds. I need to run up to someone who looks like they have nothing better to do. Catch their eye, either by an awkward stare or charming smile. Once I have their eye's attention I need to just twirl to my heart's content. If they smile, or laugh, I move up to tip #1 and seal the deal on my new friendship.
3. Chase people. I've totally under-utilized this tactic up until now. Aubri, my friendship mentor, has shown me that if you go up to someone and again, either awkward stare or give a charming smile, you might be able to initiate Project Chase a Stranger and Make Them My Friend. Once you have their attention, make a light squeal. Not too loud, not too soft. Then take three or four running steps forward, turn, and glance back at them. If they don't seem to entertained, twirl to show them just how special you are and just what they might be missing out on if they don't complete this friendship process. After that twirl, run back to them, lightly tag them, and then run away. They are sure to follow.
4. Assure people that I'm potty trained. Apparently, besides age, this is another helpful pre-requisite to acquiring friends. So, now I know, that if I really feel stuck in making friends, I need to simply state to them., "I wear underwears now, they have flowers on them." That way, if they had any doubts at all about being my friend, I probably just erased them with my amazing news.
Those are the four-main steps I've learned thus far for friendship-forming. Since Aubri is the only one so far to acquire friends, who am I to criticize? I'll have to see if these apparent fool-proof strategies work....
Hi I'm John or sometimes called Walking Wild. I'm not 32 anymore either.