I haven't blogged in awhile, mostly because I don't feel like I have much to say. I think I've said this in the past, but I like my blogs to make some sort of cohesive sense, but I just don't have any extended thoughts on any one topic. At least lately. Or At least that I should share publicly ;-) So, here's a list of thoughts that have been going through my mind lately, they are in no particular order, nor am I claiming that they are important or relevant. :-)
1. Being a newcomer is lonely. But surprising peaceful. This temporary anonymity is a blessing. Right now I can go to Wal-Mart looking haggard and perhaps a bit gross and no one is wise to who I even am. Soon that will change as I'm bound to bump into my students and new colleagues. But for now, I'm not even bothering with makeup and no one needs to know if I actually brushed my hair before I put it up in a ponytail.
2. XXX Summer Olympics. I'm feeling surprised that my parental blocker on our T.V. didn't give us a hard time about that.
3. I thought I wanted to go on a 10th anniversary honeymoon next summer, now I'm not so sure. I have a hard time with not being with my kids for longer than 48 hours. This surprised me about myself. I've seen myself as a pretty independent lady, and yes, my kids do drive me nuts sometimes and, yes, I'd like a break from the Kruse Kraziness, but I think spending 3 days or so in the wildnerness with my hubs is really what I want to do for our 10th. Maybe we'll do a honeymoon on our 15th. When we have a couple of middle-schoolers under our roof.
4. Cooking. It Sucks. But I have perfected scrambled eggs. Which Aubri calls "Grandma Eggs", and that's just adorable. I used to like cooking, but now I don't. Maybe this is only for a season.
5. The song 99 red balloons came on the radio today and I realized that this song is on my "I never get tired of this music" list. Admit it, it's on your list too.
6. Forgiveness and Letting Go. I've been doing a lot of praying and self-talk lately about some forgiving and letting go that I need to do with individuals in my past who have hurt me, or even continue to hurt me. Boy. It's not easy. It's probably the toughest thing I've ever tried to do. And some of my readers have studied Statistics with me, so you know how hard this must be if I'm saying that this, forgiving and letting go, is the toughest. Except, Erik Whitver, I can't let go of the time you threw my Brooke Shield's Barbie Doll on our roof in California. I just can't ;-)
7. Gardening wasn't all that it cracked up to me. Things were leafy and green, but nothing turned out except for exactly 7 hot peppers. I think I will muster the motivation to make freezer salsa. But refer to #4.
8. Overall, summer has been fun, and it isn't over yet. We've filled it with visiting friends and family, exploring Dubuque, a lot of swimming, some camping adventures on the way, as well as Adventureland with some family. That right there is a good summer.
Those are all of my random thoughts. I think once I get into the swing of my new job and the kids are back in school, I'll get my blogging brain back and think of something more cohesive to write about. 'Til then, thanks for hanging with me :-)